Orlando Chichongo - Group 2
Adopt this farmer Reg Code: Mab59028
Fight for water - Donate Reg.Code : Mab90/85
Inter area visits - Donate Reg Code: Mab90/124
Local pig farming-Donate Reg Code: Mab90/84
Orlando is 40 years old and his wife, Fatima, is 29 years. They have got 3 children and only 5 people eat at his house every day.
The family owns 2 cattle, 30 cashew nut trees and 3 mango trees. They had a lot of chickens, but all died in a short time.
Nothing really bad has ever happened to him. It is only bad when it does not rain and maybe when his wife is cross with him. He fined his joy in life when it rains. Then he can work in his field and plough and plant. When it rains and there is food his wife is never cross and the children are happy.
His never forget story handled about his life. His mother and father had no daughters and he had to do all the work that the girls would have done. He made the food and carried the water and cleaned the area around the house. It was not a good life for him. He left then for other people where he could start to have a normal life. He was working for them for 10 years. His life changed then and he was able to earn enough money to take his wife and to leave to go and work in south-Africa. He made some money there and came back to start working some land. He does not want to go back to south-Africa. He has got a happy family now and they all work together.
If he could get a lot of money for the area, he would first de-bush a big area where people can plant and make food. He would also buy some more oxen and ox-ploughs for the area.
Their income is more or less Mt 25000/year (USD475)