Questions and answers :

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Questions and answers :


 Why is semi-commercial farming so important ?

  1. Semi-commercial farming is the only way to develop agricultural systems that is sustainable.
  2. Semi-commercial farming will build a culture of own food supply and a culture of owning the infra-structure on a farm that can be passed on to next generations. A culture of ownership and responsibility needs to be established.
  3. The development of farms of semi-commercial scale (Between 5 and 20 ha) are a lot more organized and will help with long term planning .
  4. Semi-commercial farming makes it possible to develop and train farmers in modern farming techniques (Combined with the local knowledge.)
  5. Semi-commercial farming is the best alternative to the many failed agricultural projects for community farms and subsistence farming .
  6. To develop sustainable semi-commercial  farms among the poor , we can help to give hope to people in the same circumstances and that this will flow over to create a new culture of -It is possible -.  We agree that people are more sufficient when they get the chance to build on something for themselves or their families than when they have got to work together as communities. All people also haven`t got the same abilities and some will end up being owners of a semi- commercial farm and others will end up by getting a good job on a farm and all will be able to look after their families.
  7. Semi-commercial farming will improve food systems and food security.

How can a donor see what happens to his contribution?

A donor can choose his own project and the need items he want to contribute to and he can choose the work group that he want to employ for his project . He can establish a direct link to his beneficiary or  he can communicate through his work group . Permanent feedback will also be published on the AgriServi site .  The relationship between a donor and his beneficiary can end up as a life long relationship.

Can a donor get some money back at some stage?

A donor can work through his work group to facilitate direct donations or soft loans . For soft loans a memorandum of understanding will be drawn up and the beneficiary and the donor will agree on a pay-back agreement . Soft loans or guarantees to banks are encouraged above hand-outs .


How can I help people who are not semi-commercial farmers ?

According to AgriServi , people who are not semi-commercial farmers , fall in a category that needs hand-outs .  Some people are very poor and needs help on a continuous basis . Systems do exist to help those people , but it would normally be other Aid distribution organizations that facilitate these services.


Can I still use other NGO`s or Aid organizations ?

Any organization can still register on the AgriServi system and be a work group then and even handle some existing projects or their own projects through the AgriServi system .

What is the best way to look at the needs of a poor person?

When a poor person walk into your live, the responsibility falls into your hands to let him walk along with you in his process of becoming anything that the two of you together can dream for. It does not mean that all poor people can be helped in the same way . There are literally millions of hungry people in the world and to feed them is a continuous process . Many times the reason for them being poor is things that is not within their control , but rather droughts or wars .If they need to farm under conditions of severe droughts or instability , it is always better to help them to get away from that circumstances . To get better irrigation systems or different crops to farm with are the best ways to improve their circumstances , as long as there are other stabilizing factors , like ownership of land or infra structure . If that is not the case , it is only possible to help them by ways of hand-outs every time a problem exists .


How many people will benefit from one semi-commercial farm ?

A semi-commercial farm can be seen more as a network . If you would have 20 semi-commercial farms in an area , there will be 100 farm workers and their families and the 20 semi-commercial farmers with their families . If you take the normal averages , each person who works and earns a salary , support at least 8 other people , then you have got 1080 people who benefit . The contribution that these people will make in their community will be far more . The general growth of the economics and growth in stability of an area where 20 semi-commercial farms exists , is enormous .

In what way is the Government involved ?

AgriServi is a private Company and is registered according the Laws of the Country . AgriServi also make sure that each semi-commercial farm is registered in the correct way and will function according the Laws of the country . All semi-commercial farms is also registered for tax purposes. AgriServi works together with the Agriculture Departments in each area .

 News :

August 2017:

AgriServi has been busy to register possible semi-commercial farms in the areas of Pambara and Ungwana in the Inhambane Province of Mozambique .  We were very positive , at first , that it is only a matter of finding all the semi-commercial farms and then to register them , but we found that organized semi-commercial farms hardly exists . Several meetings were held in different areas , only to start selling the idea of semi-commercial farming instead of subsistence farming or community projects . We found that many , especially women , would just go into the bush and start opening some area where they could plant some maize . Many people would start at one place and then be asked to move away because the area belongs to someone else .

Photo Gallery :

Definition of small scale farmer happiness - Do what you can with what you have got and be happy

Proud small scale farmer shows off with his chili plants

Soil profile show root development and level of ground water

Extension officer show spinach plants

Value adding - bottling of chili sauce.