Agriservi – About us

You can click on the following link to look at a video to see Who we are and What we do :     Agriservi - Who we are and what we do

Other videos that are also available      1. Agriservi  - finding the missing child of Resele .  

                                                                  2. Agriservi  - A walk to remeber .    

                                                                  3. Agriservi - Ploughing with oxen  .                                

A different way to assist poor people in Mozambique and to change the way they think about farming. You can stay in control and get 100 % feedback on everything that has been done with your money.



Who we are:    Agriservi is a new private, non-profit, agriculture Company in Mozambique. The primary goal of Agriservi is to assist in the development of semi-commercial farms in Mozambique. Agriservi provides a service to link Donors, Beneficiaries and expert work groups through our operating system.

Agriservi also has an expert work group that can assist any donor to execute the work in any project.


What we work for:

Agriculture and food security. – Many people in Mozambique and especially in the far rural areas are still not sure about at least one meal per day. Food depends too much on rainfall and other problems that cannot be controlled. We work for bigger planting areas, especially for women and older people and to ensure better storage facilities when they do have a crop to harvest.



                                                            Different storage facilities that are used by the Mabote farmers.

Sustainable agriculture – We do a very broad investigation as to which people really have the ability to become semi-commercial farmers. To make sure that we invest in something that is sustainable, we choose our farmers and support the workers .We work with individuals, but organize them together according to their natural geographical position. We believe that 1 semi-commercial farmer that is up lifted can improve the lives of 20 other people who haven’t got the ability.

Education – Education in agriculture is an ongoing process, but we also put a lot of emphasis on educating pre-school children and bigger children who was falling out of the school system. At present we have got 45 children in our pre-school and 6 students in our out-of-school program.

Women`s empowerment – Women suffers the most. Many of our registered farmers are women. In some cases the husband is working somewhere else and never come back to support his family or, in many cases, the women never had any husband and try to make a living for her and her children. We pay for teams of hand laborers to help women and old people to clean their land and to do the initial hard work. We also pay for cattle teams to help with their soil preparation.

General better living conditions – It is not possible to live amongst the people and not to get involved in their daily lives. People need to eat and look after children and the sick and the elderly and to carry water while they are also working. We help with then carrying of water. Once a week we take the sick to the nearest hospital. We help to sort out the normal social issues that exist in any area.



             Madalla Fransisco before Agriservi                                                          Madalla Fransisco after Agriservi 

Protecting our resources. – When the need for food becomes too strong, the first priority become to de-bush. Without proper planning and education, nothing will be left for the future. We help our farmers with their planning and to take decisions that would help them but also still protect their natural resources.

Fight for water   -    Although we try, it is not possible to carry water for all those who suffer to get water at their houses. We are working on a project that will give a borehole with a solar pump and 4 tanks to be used by 4 neighboring farmers. This will also enable them to water their crop when it is extremely dry or hot. They will then be able to produce crop throughout the year. 




How we work :

Agriservi lives in a tented camp that moves on a 2-week basis between the 3 areas. We live between the people themselves and go out to the different workplaces each day. At the moment we are helping to de-bush and use mainly hand labor and 2 chain saws and the Agriservi vehicle. We also help with training, setup of plant programs and efforts to organize product marketing.



Agriservi is a social media platform to connect poor farmers in Mozambique with donors and work groups.

Semi -commercial farming .

Expert agricultural work group :

Motivation for an Expert Agricultural Work Group.

The profile of a beneficiary that can become a semi-commercial farmer.


Semi - commercial farming .


 The aim of the semi-commercial farmers is profit maximization subject to withholding enough Resources for use in subsistence production.

  1. A semi-commercial farmer aims to establish a mixed farming enterprise with different crops and live stock and does not farm in only one or two sectors.
  2. The semi-commercial farmer aims to find a sustainable income for themselves and their immediate family.
  3. Their link with their farming project is based on a long term vision for building up a farming enterprise that can be handed over to next generations for sustainable resource use.
  4. They provide sustainable livelihoods and contribute substantially to the economic growth of their immediate area by providing increased employment that can sustain and uplift the lives of hundreds of people.
  5. The semi-commercial farmer uses his different farming sectors to flow into each other and support each other. He is not reliant to market fluctuations to the same extend than a commercial farmer He farms with crops , fruit trees , vegetables , animals and also do some value adding on his own products and takes his profit from any sector when the market conditions exist.
  6. A semi-commercial farmer is a farmer who has his own land-use certificate and is a resident on his own farm.


Expert agricultural work group :

 A work group is not a beneficiary Group, but only the link between the donor and the beneficiary. Agriservi can help you to find the right work group to do a certain job with your chosen beneficiary.  An Agricultural expert Work Group consists of normal young Mozambique men and women with a proven record of hard intelligent work and enough expertise and organising ability to fulfil their task. The Agricultural work group is goal orientated and available to assist in the rural development of the Agricultural sector of Mozambique. The Work group identified alternative forms of direct donor support to Agriculture projects or qualifying beneficiaries. The primary goal of the work group is to assist in the development of semi-commercial farms.



Motivation for an Expert Agricultural Work Group.

 It is much smaller and functions as operators straight in the hands of the donor.

  1. It allows for Direct Donations to a certain project and can be fully managed by the donor or donor group to the extent that they need.
  2. It is a lot more streamline and less time-consuming.
  3. Smaller percentage of Donor money ends up in the management of a big NGO company or institution.
  4. It suits Donors who is result driven and want to see, first hand, what is happening with their money.
  5. It suits donors who are really concerned about productive agriculture in Mozambique.
  6. Donors are able to see the profile of each beneficiary beforehand and keep life-long communication to see their progress.
  7. Donors can, by means of the expert work group, own their �own piece of Africa� in the form of the specific beneficiary family that they are working with.
  8. A work group can move around. They are not permanently based at any place.




 The profile of a beneficiary that can become a semi-commercial farmer:

1.       They are men and women in the age group of 25 to 55 who already distinguished themselves in their efforts of making a living. They are normally very hard-working and show a good profile of responsibility, endurance and honesty.

2.       They have at least tried a few things on their own to improve their quality of living and acquired some skills over the years.

3.        They are motivated, but have not got the means and the expertise to become semi- commercial farmers on their own.

4.        With the right support, they are the people who can be developed into semi -commercial farmers that can farm their own farms in a sustainable and profitable way and to provide for the previous and the next generation.

5.       They have got some natural leadership qualities and the ability to work with other people.

6.       They have good inter personal relationships and good references from their present neighbours.

7.       They are organised into a normal functioning family set-up.



AgriServi invites all experts to register their expertise and availability on the AgriServi site . We would welcome people from all different back grounds who can positively contribute to the building of semi-commercial farms . You can also register on our site , together with your specific project or you can register only as a work group and then wait for a project to be assigned to you .

Contact Us ;

E-mail- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone  +258 84 10 46 916.

WhatsApp  +2763 675 1693


Questions and answers :

News :

Photo Gallery :

Questions and answers :


 Why is semi-commercial farming so important ?

  1. Semi-commercial farming is the only way to develop agricultural systems that is sustainable.
  2. Semi-commercial farming will build a culture of own food supply and a culture of owning the infra-structure on a farm that can be passed on to next generations. A culture of ownership and responsibility needs to be established.
  3. The development of farms of semi-commercial scale (Between 5 and 20 ha) are a lot more organized and will help with long term planning .
  4. Semi-commercial farming makes it possible to develop and train farmers in modern farming techniques (Combined with the local knowledge.)
  5. Semi-commercial farming is the best alternative to the many failed agricultural projects for community farms and subsistence farming .
  6. To develop sustainable semi-commercial  farms among the poor , we can help to give hope to people in the same circumstances and that this will flow over to create a new culture of -It is possible -.  We agree that people are more sufficient when they get the chance to build on something for themselves or their families than when they have got to work together as communities. All people also haven`t got the same abilities and some will end up being owners of a semi- commercial farm and others will end up by getting a good job on a farm and all will be able to look after their families.
  7. Semi-commercial farming will improve food systems and food security.

How can a donor see what happens to his contribution?

A donor can choose his own project and the need items he want to contribute to and he can choose the work group that he want to employ for his project . He can establish a direct link to his beneficiary or  he can communicate through his work group . Permanent feedback will also be published on the AgriServi site .  The relationship between a donor and his beneficiary can end up as a life long relationship.

Can a donor get some money back at some stage?

A donor can work through his work group to facilitate direct donations or soft loans . For soft loans a memorandum of understanding will be drawn up and the beneficiary and the donor will agree on a pay-back agreement . Soft loans or guarantees to banks are encouraged above hand-outs .


How can I help people who are not semi-commercial farmers ?

According to AgriServi , people who are not semi-commercial farmers , fall in a category that needs hand-outs .  Some people are very poor and needs help on a continuous basis . Systems do exist to help those people , but it would normally be other Aid distribution organizations that facilitate these services.


Can I still use other NGO`s or Aid organizations ?

Any organization can still register on the AgriServi system and be a work group then and even handle some existing projects or their own projects through the AgriServi system .

What is the best way to look at the needs of a poor person?

When a poor person walk into your live, the responsibility falls into your hands to let him walk along with you in his process of becoming anything that the two of you together can dream for. It does not mean that all poor people can be helped in the same way . There are literally millions of hungry people in the world and to feed them is a continuous process . Many times the reason for them being poor is things that is not within their control , but rather droughts or wars .If they need to farm under conditions of severe droughts or instability , it is always better to help them to get away from that circumstances . To get better irrigation systems or different crops to farm with are the best ways to improve their circumstances , as long as there are other stabilizing factors , like ownership of land or infra structure . If that is not the case , it is only possible to help them by ways of hand-outs every time a problem exists .


How many people will benefit from one semi-commercial farm ?

A semi-commercial farm can be seen more as a network . If you would have 20 semi-commercial farms in an area , there will be 100 farm workers and their families and the 20 semi-commercial farmers with their families . If you take the normal averages , each person who works and earns a salary , support at least 8 other people , then you have got 1080 people who benefit . The contribution that these people will make in their community will be far more . The general growth of the economics and growth in stability of an area where 20 semi-commercial farms exists , is enormous .

In what way is the Government involved ?

AgriServi is a private Company and is registered according the Laws of the Country . AgriServi also make sure that each semi-commercial farm is registered in the correct way and will function according the Laws of the country . All semi-commercial farms is also registered for tax purposes. AgriServi works together with the Agriculture Departments in each area .

 News :

August 2017:

AgriServi has been busy to register possible semi-commercial farms in the areas of Pambara and Ungwana in the Inhambane Province of Mozambique .  We were very positive , at first , that it is only a matter of finding all the semi-commercial farms and then to register them , but we found that organized semi-commercial farms hardly exists . Several meetings were held in different areas , only to start selling the idea of semi-commercial farming instead of subsistence farming or community projects . We found that many , especially women , would just go into the bush and start opening some area where they could plant some maize . Many people would start at one place and then be asked to move away because the area belongs to someone else .

Photo Gallery :

Definition of small scale farmer happiness - Do what you can with what you have got and be happy

Proud small scale farmer shows off with his chili plants

Soil profile show root development and level of ground water

Extension officer show spinach plants

Value adding - bottling of chili sauce.


Ever thought of helping to solve the problem of world poverty or do you think that it is to complicated or only for the rich .

Well, Agriservi has the solution . With Agriservi we make it possible for you to choose your beneficiary , choose how your money is spend and even choose who you want to do the work for you . Our projects ranges from very small to very big, giving even a small contributor the oppertunity to make a big difference in somebody specific`s life .
Why Mozambique and why the areas of Mabote , Unguana and Pambara? The war ravaged Mozambican population deserves a chance to get help to uplift themselves. Their appreciation for whatever help they get , will give you all the satisfaction that you need as your reward . You will change a beggar to provider.

We know that we do not have to ask people for money for this cause , because God has already got everything covered . We give you the information and the opportunity , it is for you to make the choice.



                                 Donate through our operating system    !!!!

                                            or follow the

                                 Agriservi - Application for financial support    !!!!

A different way to assist poor people in Mozambique and to change the way they think about farming. You can stay in control and get 100% feedback on everything that has been done with your money.

Agriservi is a new private company in Mozambique that aims to support subsistence farmers of Mozambique in their transformation to become semi-commercial farmers and to raise their average income per year from R3 600.00 to R36 000.00

Contact details:

Web address:

E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cell phone number: +258 84 10 46 916 (Mozambique)

Executive Summary

The running costs of Agriservi are currently around R42 000.00 per month. Until the end of January we only worked with our own private funds, but for February and March we need support to continue the work. We believe that the system will get momentum from April and that enough funds will be generated to keep the projects going and to make a real difference.

Any contribution is welcome and will be used as a whole in the activities of Agriservi. Funds required for February and March are R42 000.00 per month. Our aim is to change the lives of at least 600 people (phase 1), and by that taking them off the international food organisations beneficiary list. Giving relieve and change the world one family at a time.

You are also welcome to visit our web site. You might be interested to support a specific group of 4 farmers over a longer term. Full support involves more or less the following: Initial partial deforestation of 10 to 16 hectares (4 farmers) - Assistance with soil cultivation using a team of oxen – fencing of some camps - Borehole, solar pump, tanks and pipes, taps and drag lines - Partial input costs - Any contribution or suggestions that you would prefer. (A group of 4 farmers shares one water resource). When you adopt a farmer, a long term relationship can be established between yourself and your beneficiary family and by means of the workgroup you can get everything done for your family and get all the feedback that you need.

Who is Agriservi?

Agriservi is a small company in Mozambique and is driven by knowledge of the local farming population and their needs. We look into the hearts of people to touch their lives. The team consists of Abrie van Tonder, a South African who has been involved in Mozambique for the past 12 years and Luciano Gove, a Mozambican man, who joined him 8 years ago. The rest of the team consists of 4 workers with different agricultural skills.

We have a very wide knowledge of farming in general, but also specific knowledge in techniques to support emerging farmers.

After much experience in community-driven projects driven by large organizations, we realized that the results were very poor and that most projects stopped before it was completed or before the necessary outcomes were reached. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason is that there is not enough knowledge of the specific needs of the people. The dynamics and rhythm of subsistence life are usually not taken into account and when people start with new projects, it's not sustainable and the community is nothing better off than before the project started, in fact, in most of the cases they are even worse off.

Generally, leadership between community members is lacking because they are the more simple people who try to make a living out of subsistence farming in a community set-up. There is no ownership at all and members of the group come and go as other work or other opportunities become available.

Agriservi started the initial work in April 2017 and decided not to chase numbers, but rather to make lifestyle changes to a selected number of poor farmers. Since we only had my own limited funds available, we decided on 3 areas where we believe our work could have the biggest impact. The areas of Mabote, Unguana and Pambara in the Inhambane province. These 3 areas needs regular support from the World Food Organisation. Only farmers who could identify a measurable piece of land were chosen. Their land has been surveyed and mapped and they are registered on our system. We have created a profile of each person and spend a lot of time getting to know each individual as well as possible. We soon realized that it is not possible to give only attention to agriculture. When you get involved in an area, it involves all aspects of life and very soon it becomes a total commitment. To win the people's trusts, you must be part of all their problems and share in their love and suffering. The Agriservi team quickly became leaders in each of the 3 areas and is faced daily with problems far beyond agriculture.

Agriservi works to bring donors, workgroups and beneficiaries together by means of our web page and operating system. Please visit and like our facebook page Agriservi or go to our website We collect all information and then make it available on our operating system. Agriservi also has its own workgroup, the Agriservi workgroup that currently works on the projects and is available for any other projects. Agriservi is currently the only workgroup on the system, but we hope that other specialists will follow and that donors will soon be able to choose between several groups to implement a specific project for them.

Agriservi lives in a tented camp that moves on a 2-weekly basis between the 3 areas. We live amongst the people themselves and go out to the different workplaces each day. At the moment we are helping to de-bush and use mainly hand labour and 2 chain saws and the Agriservi vehicle. We also help with training, setup of plant programs and efforts to organize product marketing.

If you need any other information, please send us an e-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You are also more than welcome to pay us a visit at our camp sites - there will always be space for another tent and company.

Thank you for your support.

Abrie van Tonder

The Agriservi team.

Bank details:


Name:                          Agriservi

Bank:                             First National Bank

Current account:         62717323860

Branch code:                256 405

Banking details:


Name:                          Agriservi

Bank:                             First National Bank

Current account:          36989191100010014

NIB:                                001400003698919110145

Swift Code:                   FIRNMZMX

IBAN:                             MZ 59        

Bank Code:                   0014


                    Feel like donating today  !!!

  1. Choose your beneficiary .
  2. Choose the specific project under beneficiary name.
  3. Take the registration code of the project .
  4. You will be re-directed to the specific project .
  5. Click on DONATE .


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